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Here some examples (Implemented..)

Fetch Application Programming Interface (API)

We are fetching data from an open database and using to our website.

Mega Search

In this example we demonstrate how to search a list of real-estate properties according to multiple types of components. The results are displayed using a repeater. To improve performance and UX, we use a debounce timer on the input components.

Upsell Products in Cart Page (Wix - Store)

In this example we select a product we would like to promote (upsell) and display it on the cart page. The upsell product is displayed when site visitors have a product in their cart from the same Stores collection as the upsell product. Site visitors can add the upsell product to the cart directly from the cart page.

Minimum Order Total for Shipping

In this example, we inform customers when their order total is under a set minimum amount required for shipping. Customers can choose to continue shopping to reach the shipping minimum, or pick up their order without reaching the minimum amount.

Customized Form

In this example, we create a form that expands to include additional input elements based on a visitor's selection.

Recreate own wix-store

In this example, we create a E-commerce site without using wix-store


The above mentioned Examples and Velo can do some more functionality too. Ping me for your Requirements.

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